The history of the OT Group began in May 1991, with the acquisition of OT DTVM (at the time known as Distrigold DTVM Ltda., subsequently Oliveira Bastos DTVM Ltda.) by the current controlling shareholders, distinguished from other financial institutions with great experience in the capital market.

Over the years, the OT Group has expanded its business and diversified its products and services in order to form the most complete fund management platform and fiduciary services in Brazil, in order to better serve its customers. Having started its activities as a securities distributor in 1991, in 1998 it started providing trust administration services in investment funds.
In 2006, it began providing Trustee services, starting to assist private, bilateral or syndicated credit operations, acting in accordance with the needs of creditors/investors, and assisting debtors with useful information to fulfill their commitments.

In 2011, it was one of the first companies accredited by the BM&FBovespa as register/custodian, having started such activities with Real Estate Credit Notes (CCI).
In 2010 and 2013, respectively, it received authorization from the CVM to provide qualified services of (i) custody of investment funds and financial assets; and (ii) bookkeeping of investment fund quotas. The following year, it became one of the first DTVMs to participate in the Brazilian Payment System (SPB) with the settlement account service. In 2013 it received authorization to bookkeeping, debentures and other investments securities.

In 2019, the digital transformation area called FINTOOLS was created, which, since then, has been responsible for the development of robot systems with focus on improving the performance and quality of information by the various areas of the Company.
In 2020, the OT Group’s corporate reorganization process was started, which was concluded in May 2021, when it reached the current corporate structure.
The companies of the OT Group are focused on providing fiduciary services to the market, in particular the fiduciary agent service in securities issues, the trustee service in securitization transactions, the fiduciary administration of investment funds and the provision of qualified services to the funds.
The OT Group has been permanently investing in the development of its own platforms and systems aimed at the quality and performance of processing operations, as well as in increasing the portfolio of products destined for the market.